
You Must Know: What Banks Are Members of ATM Link

Jun 07, 2022

You Must Know: What Banks Are Members of ATM Link
ATM Link is an ATM network issued by the Association of State Banks, also known as HIMBARA. Since its launch in 2015, ATM Link has succeeded in saving operational costs by investing in one ATM that is dependent on HIMBARA, which leads to the convenience of customers transacting. This ATM has spread more than 400 million units throughout Indonesia To make transactions through ATM Link, HIMBARA bank customers are charged the following fees:
  • Balance Inquiry of IDR 4,000
  • Cash Withdrawal of IDR 7,500
  • Transfer between HIMBARA and non-HIMBARA banks in the amount of IDR 6,500
ATM Link for four HIMBARA banks has the Bank Mandiri logo at the bottom of the ATM or there is also signage at the top of the ATM. So, what banks are members of HIMBARA?

1. Bank Mandiri

PT Bank Mandiri as one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which was established on October 2, 1998, began its history with the takeover of share ownership of four government banks. Now, Bank Mandiri has the largest credit, assets, and deposits in Indonesia. Bank Mandiri Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia (Bank Exim), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Bumi Daya (BBD), and Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo) were the four banks that merged on July 31, 1999. After the merger, Bank Mandiri went through various long processes in adjusting culture and technological advances at any time. Bank Mandiri managed to get the title of "The Best Bank in Service Excellence" by Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI) with the title of "Very Trusted Company" from the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) for seven consecutive years. In 2022, Bank Mandiri is again included in Forbes magazine's World's Best Bank list. Bank Mandiri is included in the top three best banks in the world for the Indonesian region category. Customer trust, costs, and banking digitization are key assessments in the analysis of 45,000 customers located in 27 countries around the world.

2. Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk was originally established in Indonesia as the central bank under the name Bank Negara Indonesia in 1946, which was later determined to be Bank Negara Indonesia 1946. BNI's role as a bank mandated to improve the people's economy and participate in national development was confirmed by Law No. 17 of 1968 concerning Bank Negara Indonesia 1946. BNI became the first SOE to IPO after its initial shares were offered to the public in 1996. Bank BNI This pandemic is the right opportunity and momentum, for BNI to transform in development towards digital, digitalization of banking in the future. BNI optimizes digitalization opportunities by transforming its capital business and contributing to economic recovery. BNI helps Indonesia's economic recovery, especially in the MSME segment. This year BNI brought 23 awards at once at the 11th Infobank Digital Brand Award 2022.

3. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)

At the beginning of its establishment in 1895., Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) was born with the name De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoofden which means Bank of Aid and Deposits Owned by The Noble People of Purwokerto. Initially, BRI was a financial institution that only served indigenous people or Indonesian nationalities. Bank BRI After the independence of the State of Indonesia in 1945, based on Government Regulation No.1 of 1946 Article 1, BRI became the first Government Bank in the Republic of Indonesia. BRI officially became a limited liability company in 1992, when 100 percent of its shares became the owner of the Indonesian government. BRI shares were opened to the public as much as 30 percent, in 2003. On the night of the 7th Public Relations Indonesia Awards 2022, this largest bank in Indonesia won 8 (eight) awards at once.

4. Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN)

At the beginning of its establishment in 1897, Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) used the name Postspaarbank. After 45 years, Postspaarbank was taken over by the Japanese government and renamed Tyokin Kyoku. After Indonesian Independence in 1945, Tyokin Kyoku was taken over by the Indonesian government, and his name was changed to the Indonesian Postal Savings Office. In 1950 the name was again changed to The Postal Savings Bank. Through a Government Regulation instead of Law number 4 of 1963, the Postal Savings Bank changed its name to the State Savings Bank as its current name. Bank BTN In 1992 BTN's status became a limited liability company due to its success in the housing business through mortgage facilities. This status allows BTN to move more broadly as a commercial bank. BTN's success in the KPR program earned them the status of a Foreign Exchange Bank in 1994. BTN's services include the issuance of Letters of Credit (L/C), business financing in Dollars, and so on. PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk also provides an easy credit process for developers with a good track record. Such convenience is not only in the form of special interest rates, but also relaxation rules. Use ATM Switching Link in the nearest location for easy banking services. From balance checks, transfers, cash withdrawals, and payments, to replenishing electronic money balances.

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